About us

Postegro is a free Instagram viewer and downloader that lets you view private Instagram profiles, see the DP, view and zoom. Postegro is a free app for Android that lets you view private Instagram profiles. It also allows you to see the DP and zoom in on it.

Postegro app is a great tool for those who want to see the DP of their favorite Instagram models. The app has a story viewer and downloader, which lets you see the stories of your favorite Instagram models. You can also view private Instagram profiles, which is a great way to find out what’s going on in someone’s life without following them. The last feature is viewing and zooming – you can zoom into the picture to get a closer look at the detail.

The postegro app is a new way to see the world through someone else’s eyes. It lets you see the Instagram profiles of other people, see the photos and videos they posted and zoom in on their profile picture.

This app is not just for people who are obsessed with following celebrities or want to stalk their exes. It’s mostly used by marketers, businesses and researchers who want to use it as a tool for research or product development.